Generous Giving
As a church community, we aim to be generous givers of the time, skills, compassion and resources that God has given us. We are always grateful for those who are able to contribute to the Good Shepherd’s ministry and mission. It is only through generous giving that we are able as a church community to do all this:
Impact Report 2023
There are a number of ways you can give financially:
Regular giving
You can set up a standing order using the following account details:
Account Name: Church of the Good Shepherd
Barclays Sort Code: 20-84-17 | Account number: 80256692
Regular giving is very much appreciated as it helps us to plan how we might fund projects and mission.
One-off donations
One-off donations are accepted online through our secure Give a Little page.
Please sign up for Gift Aid if you can as this will increase your gift by 25%.
Gift aid
Make your gift even more effective by gift aiding and if you pay Gift Aid and are a UK taxpayer, we can reclaim 25p for every £1 you give us.