Keeping everyone safe in church
We are now able to gather for worship in the church building, in line with current guidance.
We have made a few changes to keep everyone safe and we ask you to:
- Sign in on arrival and use hand sanitiser
- Wear a mask while you are in the building and throughout the service
- Sit with members of your own household, or in a row of six
During Communion, our Vicar will only distribute the bread (individual wafers) and will take the wine on behalf of all of us. They will sanitise their hands throughout the distribution of Communion.
Since 17th May we have been permitted to serve refreshments after the service. We are not yet permitted to mingle freely, so if you would like to stay for tea or coffee, we ask you to take a seat at a table in a group of no more than six. Our hospitality team will bring drinks to your table and will retrieve empty cups.
This page will be updated as government guidelines change.