Is your God good?
Easter marks the passion of Christ in the Christina Context. It is hard. It is brutal and it holds violence within it’s reminders. It evokes so many questions and wonders about our Good Good Father, why is it necessary that the death of his son is part of the revolution plan of transformation. It’s uncomfortable and niggly.
Yet, it speaks directly into understanding the brutality of humanity. As we see on our news right now the destruction of cities within countries, the events of Good Friday speak loud into those images. Human actions can be vile, unashamedly so. Justice is needed. When we cry out in our suffering and pain to a God that understands it can change our reaction. He gets it. Here is the proof.
I have a confession to make. Since coming to Good Shepherd I have struggled with the massive crucifixion image on the wall at the front of the space. I want it to be empty. I want it to be plain. After all Jesus doesn’t remain on the cross for eternity he has indeed risen, risen indeed! However last night during the Maundy Thursday Service He captured me again, as a stark reminder. Sitting in the beautifully lit church with the gathered, and Jesus looming down from his position was so very humbling. What Jesus chose to do. What Jesus endured. To bring about my access to Father God, is so hard to bear. I don’t want him to have had to do it. I am not worth such suffering. I want it to be cancelled. But He did choose it. And as I reflect further, so did Father God and so did the Holy Spirit. They didn’t disappear and go on holiday when these events took place. They were present. Holding space. The events surrounding the cross, the darkness, the curtain, the earthquake, the dead rising, these things that aren’t often heard about in sermons, are where mystery is present. Who holds the mystery in the palm of his hand….God the Father through God the Holy Spirit. Who holds the keys to our unlocking….our Good Good Father.
So come again. Come to the redeeming one, the one who brings justice in a world that is breaking again at the moment. Come because it is still so relevant. Come and be witness to the one who brings freedom. Come with questions and doubts and disgust at the violence. Come with humility and surrender to the unknown. Because He on that Cross, in His life, and in His rising in Glory, He waits for you, He loves you and He can now, by these choices, introduce you to his Dad. Abba Father.