Come and hold the story of Holy Week at the Good Shepherd
Our Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday as Lent finds its end and we remember the day Jesus arrived in Jerusalem on a colt. Breaking the expectations of what a King looked like. Coming in powerful humility and changing the status quo. 8.30am and 10am on Sunday 24th.
We move then to Maundy Thursday, where we mark the moments where Jesus broke bread with his disciples for the last time, and tied that memory to a simple every day meal. He washed their feet to remind them of compassion, humility. Come and join the story as we remember 8pm on 28th March 2024.
Good Friday dawns with an Everage reflective service at 10am, holding space to remember the trial and the journey of Jesus through betrayal, violence, and suffering, followed by Hot Cross Buns.
Moving on to walk together to Carshalton Village where at 11.30am we join Churches Together in Carshalton Park (ruskin road end) to walk in silence and rememberance of the path our Lord took ending in a service at 12.15pm outside the Grove.
Good Friday afternoon we will hold a quiet reflective space between 2.30pm-3.30pm to mark the final moments, this will be in the chapel with pieces of art to help us consider the story.
On Easter Saturday we hold in our hearts the loss of hope in the world, as we consider the loneliness of life without Love, there are no services on this day, perhaps sit with some melodies and lyrics that speak to the heart. King of Kings, How Long, Sing over me
And then, after sleeping a while,
Resurrection Sunday arrives out of no-where, so often unexpectedly it comes out of the dark and there in the garden Christ Jesus meets Mary in her weeping and begins the long journey of restoring relationship with humankind. Come to celebrate with us quietly at 8.30am and noisily at 10am, there will be all sorts going on.